Towards A Better World

Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at about 11.00 Mr. Rahmat, UN Residence Coordinator Office, Supporting Staff to the  UN Resience Representative, open the Launching Event, entitled Blogging Competition  with the challenging and interesting theme “Indonesian Youth Involvement in Implementing the Post-2015 Development Agenda”  

Ms Dina (German) will explain something regarding the Milleniun Development Goals (MDGs).
Mr. Romi, will explain something in connection with the steps to join this Blogging Competition. The Committee of this Launching Event for Blogging Competition will choose two best articles to be provided with  rewards. Winners of the best articles will be prized with an opportunity to visit one of  villages where there's a UN programme.

Ms. Naho also attended this launching event as one of the Committee members. 


Mr. Rahmat further explained that the purpose of inviting bloggers to the Launching Event, mainly to get them involved in providing articles to show to the World at least, and to the Indonesian Government the important points to be taken care  of towards gaining a better world. 

Through bloggers, various articles are expected to be submitted along with the idea to improve community expectations for a better world. The articles, hopefully, will be read and seen by the Central Government. The Youth are expected to dig the facts from the field, anywhere, that there are still many who lack the information sumbitted to the Central Government. The role of young people is needed. They have to do something for the sake of Indonesian community welfare to gain a better world.

Look at the young people, college students, many of them graduated from College. We could see how they dedicated their soul and time to help other far away, graduated from one of thelp others far away in some isolated villages --  taught them how to do the right things in life. Ms Fany, graduated from one of the universities in Surabaya  was one of them. Ms.Fanny and others spent a year in that isolated village gave assistance to children, in a place that was far from having good facilities and where there're no teacher(s) available.  Without doing these activites, nobody in the central government will be aware of that lack of teachers in many isolated villages, say, in Sumba. They have done the voluntary job for one year.

Please click link below to see their involvement in implementing a better world.

Further explained by Ms. Dina that Indonesia has made a lot of progress, say, in poverty reduction, equitable quality education, gender equality including the role of women, tackling tuberculosis and many other infectious diseases , but there are still a lot of challenges where Indonesia needs to continue its works

The Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG) has proposed 17 goals and 169 targets. There are many indicators and each country has their own different indicators, which will be improved gradually in line to their priorities and needs. The negotiation processes are undergoing.

Referring to the above mentioned theme "Indonesian Youth Involvement in Implementing the Post-2015" the Youth are expected to be aware of the fact that there is a gap  concerning the development in Sumatera and Jawa islands compare to the one from Papua province and Eastern of Indonesia. These cases have to be investigated.  The Youth are expected to do the survey and dig into as much information as possible through the survey and write them in their reports. Find the facts why should  these imbalances and different treatments occur. Speaking about the report prepared by the Statistic Bureau in some instances they are not exactly in line with the real conditions of situation.  Something has changed without any notice. The survey should be done again.

How are we going to end or at least to decrease poverty? In what way are we going to make people free from illiterate or the possible way for them to get a better education. The young people should fight or involve in implementing the improvement.

The big question now appeared: How are you going to do this task? In my opinion, the purpose of UN in Indonesia invited bloggers to this event were aiming at the most important point: Encourage  and makng yourselves to be braved and involved in implementing the possibility for a better world. To lessen the illiterate people is one of the goals included in MDGs. The more people who can read the more poverty can be reduced. Believe it. Let's see the picture of a young lady below.
The young teacher, Erlyn Stevanie Rosalyn with her students in
 Teluk Bintuni Kabupaten, West Papua.

What does she do? She is teaching young students to write and read to grab a better education for their future.

By preparing a report like the one she wrote on her blog, high ranking people and the government will understand that somewhere, out there, a number of teachers are still needed, and, of course, a budget should be allocated for this purpose. Her efforts and dedications are towards a better world.

What's the MDGs?

Ms. Dina explained that Indonesia has made a lot of progress, among others:  poverty reduction (MDG1); basic education for children (MDG-2); Gender equality and the Role of Women (MDG3); Food and Nutrition Security (MDG4); Improved Health and Mother Care (MDG5); Fight against HIV/Aids, malaria and other infectious diseases.(MDG6); Environment Protection (MDG7); Developing a global partnership (MDG8)
Mr. Rahmat assisted to translate what Ms.Dina explained about MDGs.

Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) resulting from Millenium Declaration among 189 Country Representatives  and the United Nations implemented in the year 2000. This Millenium Declaration contents were aiming at eight (8) points to be achieved in 2015.  The total of 189 countries adopted this millennium declarations which had been signed by 147 Country Representatives, including Indonesia.


Bloggers participated in the Launching Event -- It's proud to be at the UN Building, 7th Floor, Menara Thamrin.
Souveniers: T-shirt and Mug (?) were provided. Delicious lunch served for all of us. We, all participants from some different communities were given a good hospitality by the Launching Event Blogging Competition Committee. 

Lentera Indonesia - documentary NET


  1. Thats so Great Program by UN, Without citizen's act.. might be no progress in education, Indonesian Governmant look do so little to it people. And thanks GOD, bloggers are become the agents to spread this good job.

    1. Yup, especially the involvement of the Youth. You're right, bloggers are expected, as I've posted in the above article, to expand and inspire the Youth to do the action through the content of their articles.

  2. Awesome, Bunda.
    Thus, I love the title "Towards better world", something we are all longing for.

    1. "Towards A Better World" was the first thing came into my mind when planning to do the article. I hope the content, e.g. lby clicking the video and the link will touch the heart of the Youth to encourage themselves to do the survey. Thanks a lot for visiting my blog, Ratna.

  3. Indeed, a better world is paramount to everyone!

    1. Yes! The paramount importance to the whole world. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. wuih ikut juga ya?
    good luck ya mak
    salam knal
    penulis di dan

    1. Iya, ikutan. Trus Bunda bikinnya dalam bahasa Inggris yang pas-pas-an, kebetulan ada kesempatan praktek menulis pake bahasa Inggris. Kenapa gak? hehe... Salam kenal balik dari Bunda. Bukan hal yang mustahil banyak salah, tapi nobody's perfect, kan? Lagi pula itu kan bukan bahasa kita, hehe... Makasih ya sudah berkunjung.

  5. Baca post ini jd minder... Bahasa inggris saya kacau Bundaaaa

    1. Hadeuuh, Jiah, kenapa musti minder seeh? Kalo minder terus kapan mau nyobanya? Bunda juga cuma berbekal pengalaman koq gak ada gelar, dan mungkin ini gegara ada acara menulis pendek #BeraniLebih kalllee.. jadi biarpun masih amburadul, coba ajaH, hehe...Makasih kunjungan jiah.

  6. wah keren bunda yati, good luck y abun

    1. Makasih, Lidya. Ayo ikutan nulis yang ini donk. Dalam bahasa Indonesia memang gakpapa, koq. Soal keterlibatan kaum muda untuk kemajuan pembangunan. Gitu lho, kira-kira. Yuk, DL masih tgl. 13 Mei lho. Banyak referensi tentang MDGs di google. Makasih kunjungan Lidya ke blog bunda.

  7. Bunda yati... hebat euyyyss... saya merasa tertantang jg....*plongak-plongok...

  8. funnie, bukan hebat, tapi suka mencoba. Itu aja. Lha wong Inggrisnya pas-pas-an tapi berani lebih giat mencoba, hehe... Bunda klik "funnie:" kog ERROR, ya?

  9. ho ho ho
    udah dibuat aja bu ;)

    saya lupa euy kalo ada blog competition ini

    1. Yaa..masih muda koq pake lupa segala. Ayo, bikin sekarang, DL masih beberapa hari lagi koq (DL 13 Mei). Makasih kunjungan Mas Choirul ke blog bunda.

  10. Balasan
    1. Makasih pujiannya, Kedai Jelly Gamat Gold G. Makasih juga sudah mampir ke blog Bunda.

  11. Great info, Bunda!!

    IMHO, the most important thing is the continuation of MDG program so that prosperous development is spread all over the country.

    Another project: prepare, recruit and educate the youth as agents of change to participate in this program. We need more young people with emphaty and dedication to involve their positive actions more in this kind of program.

    Hopefully, UN and our government can gain their major goal: properity and development for the citizens soon. Of course, we can participate, too, in our neighbourhood: make a better place for everyone.

    As MJ once said:"Make a better place for you and for me. Heal the world!"

    Keep inspiring with your writing, Bunda!
    Lots of love.

  12. Great info, Bunda!!

    IMHO, the most important thing is the continuation of MDG program so that prosperous development is spread all over the country.

    Another project: prepare, recruit and educate the youth as agents of change to participate in this program. We need more young people with empathy and dedication to involve their positive actions more in this kind of program.

    Hopefully, UN and our government can gain their major goal: prosperity and development for the citizens soon. Of course, we can participate, too, in our neighbourhood: make a better place for everyone.

    As MJ once said:"Make a better place for you and for me. Heal the world!"

    Keep inspiring with your writing, Bunda!
    Lots of love.

  13. friddaherlina, my dear, the purpose of my writing is, to be honest, exactly to invite the Youth to participate in this Blogging Competition with their own different opinions, but in one aim: towards a better world. In MDGs include so many points to be tackled by each country who signed the Millenium declaration. The Youth is expected to do similar activity as shown in video attached to this article. Unwritten information are hidden and are able to be studied from that video and the link given. Fridda, thank you for visiting my blog.

  14. Bunda, Muantaaabb !! Ajarin dooong! Hehe, semangat menulis terus yaa...:)

  15. Hayuu.... Makasih buat "muantaaabb"-nya. Biasalah, ide koq kudu dipaksaain muncul, ketahuan nih bukan blogger sejati, huhuuu.... Makasih kunjungan Mutia ke blog Bunda.

  16. It will be another big home work for all of us...When it comes to empowering the youth, including many of us, post 2015 Development Agenda is not the only framework available, but indeed one of the most important one. I do agree with some of the points made here and to me, the most important aspect of all these efforts is how to make the real impact on the ground. All the best, Bunda...

    1. indah nuria Savitri, thank you for being here in my blog. Let's hope by participating this Blogging Competition, many Youth will realize investigations have to be undertaken to make the real good impact towards, at least, a better life for people all over the world..

  17. waah, aku mau doong kursuas b Inggris ke bunda, aku pengon posting dengan bahasa Inggris belum PD hehe

    1. Bunda tuh modalnya nekat doank, Yanti. Bahasa Inggrisnya mah, pas-pas-pasan pisan. Boleh banget kalo mau belajar dari orang yang memiliki ilmu yang sedikiiit banget, tapi semangat ngajar, hehe...


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